Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Fitting All Your Favorites into a Healthy Eating Plan

Tell me if this sounds familiar.  You are about to embark on the latest diet plan of the moment.  This diet requires you to avoid eating certain food that you love most; maybe that’s pasta, chocolate cake, or in some cases, even fruit is forbidden.  You assign a date for which you are going to […]

A Weight Goal is Not a Goal

Having goals is a wonderful way to keep making progress especially when working to achieve a healthy lifestyle.  Goals motivate you and give you specific things to strive for.  While goals should always be measurable and have an allotted amount of time in which they should be accomplished, having a “weight goal” should not be […]

Making Your Spouse Part of Your Journey

If you have someone special in your life, whether it’s your husband, wife or a significant other, it is likely the more time you spend with them, the more their eating habits influence your own.  Sometimes it’s for the better, but especially for women, it could be for the worse.  I recently spoke with someone […]

Don’t Let Bad News Derail Your Efforts

Unfortunately we all are aware that bad news and difficult times are part of life.  It is likely that during these periods there are few things that can make us feel better.  It is at these points where you can make the mistake of using food to ease the pain.  But even if this does […]

Is the Scale Weighing You Down?

Sometimes when you are embarking on a journey to a body you love, you use certain “benchmarks” that you use to track your progress.  In the past you probably were a slave to the scale, tracking your weight loss progress as often as you can at different points throughout the day.  The scale would often […]

Meals vs. Snacks: Which Team are You On?

Throughout most of the past decade, the idea of “3 meals a day” was widely accepted and practiced by a majority of American households.  You ate a breakfast of maybe toast and eggs, a sandwich packed for lunch and you would sit down to a dinner that focused on protein as the star, with a […]

Sabotage Comes in Many Forms

Have you found on your journey to a life of no more dieting that you have combated some saboteurs along the way?  The answer is probably yes.  I want to address some of the less obvious saboteurs that can derail your efforts, and offer suggestions for how to stay on course despite distractions that try […]

Are You Ready for Bathing Suit Season?

When you think of summer, the beach and the pool, what comes to mind?  Perhaps getting into a bathing suit?  How does this make you feel?  Many of my clients shy away from these summer fun activities because they don’t like the way they look in a bathing suit.  Do you compare yourself to others […]

“Comfort Foods” Making your Clothes Uncomfortable?

There is nothing wrong with foods being a source of pleasure.  In fact, the more your relationship with food can be a positive one, the better you will feel about your eating habits.  However, confusing a positive relationship with eating your favorite foods with the notion of seeking “comfort” from certain foods can lead to […]

Mindful Exercise—Feel the Difference

Exercise is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle.  Unfortunately, dieters look at it as a way to negate calories and as a way to legitimize eating larger amounts of food.  Or they “punish” themselves with a difficult workout because their eating was “bad” the night before and they need to “undo it.”  Exercise […]