4 Tips to Best Handle Life’s Stressful Events

As we approach the end of the year, it’s a time that can get a bit overwhelming for many. If you’ve been on the dieting rollercoaster, the upcoming new year and all the resolution chatter might add an extra layer of stress. It’s easy to slip back into old habits. Even if you’re an intuitive eater, the buzz around resolutions can make it tricky to stay on track and you might find yourself revisiting some old dieting patterns.


The truth is that no matter where you are on your intuitive eating journey, stressful life events are bound to occur. It is okay to feel stressed or anxious at times, but you don’t want to lose yourself to life’s surprises.


When you feel life weighing you down, it may feel most comfortable to turn to food, but the thing is, food is meant to nourish you, not be used as your crutch.


So, what can you do to keep moving forward during stressful times?


4 Tips for Moving Forward and Not Backward During Stressful Events


  1. Focus on your big WHY


When you feel like you are falling apart, ask yourself the reason you embarked on your intuitive eating journey. Was it to feel better in your body? Was it to stay healthy for your kids? Was it to get off medication?


Chances are your “why” still resonates somewhere within you, even on your darkest days. Let this motivate you. Some days are easier than others but if you keep your “why” in focus, you can navigate the bumps along the way.


Instead of letting the bad times discourage you from working to better your health and yourself, use mindfulness to clear your headspace and find peace within yourself.


  1. Prioritize yourself


Make every day the best it can be by prioritizing your own needs. That may mean making a list of goals, tasks to tackle, or fresh produce to pick up from the grocery store. Each step in the right direction is an important one.


You can make the most of each day by scheduling time for your own priorities into your daily routine. There is a time for work, a time for taking care of the needs of others, and a time to care for yourself. This includes time to sit down for meals and to be engaged, and mindful and do nothing but focus on your food.


  1.  Take time to unwind each day


This can be exercise, taking a bath, catching the newest episode of your favorite TV show, or talking with a friend. Remember that you do not have to navigate alone. At times life is too much to balance on your own so reach out to friends, coworkers, family, and loved ones for support when you need it. By letting go of pent-up emotions, you will be clearing your mind and allowing more room for mindfulness.


You may be thinking “but I don’t have TIME to relax.” Trust me, I know the feeling. With busy schedules, sometimes it may feel like there is just no time to unwind. Even just taking 15 minutes to vent to a friend or to decompress your thoughts onto paper will benefit your day and your overall goals.


  1. Listen to your body


Tap into the messages your body is sending you. Your body speaks to you, yes it does. But too often during a busy stressful time, you don’t hear it because you are not listening to it. Instead of putting energy into fretting about the worry at hand, stop and listen to the messages your body is sending to you. Is it tired? Hungry? In need of a conversation with a loved one? This will help you gain clarity and continue to move forward, honoring yourself and your body.


The truth is, life comes at you fast. You cannot go back in time, but you can make the most of your present and future. Homing in on your intuitive eating and mindfulness will help you navigate through life’s obstacles so you can enjoy being the best version of yourself.


Always remember, when you are feeling low, there is nowhere to go but up! If you keep your focus and mindfulness, you will find inner peace on even your worst days.

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