3 Mindful Eating Strategies to Use When Rushing

Mindful eating. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It’s not! If it was, many more people would be doing it too.


Why is it so difficult to eat mindfully?


I think a big reason is the chaotic lifestyle that a lot of people live. We live in a society where we are constantly running, running, running, doing, doing, doing. If we aren’t ‘running’ and ‘doing’, then we are considered lazy.


When we have a chaotic lifestyle like this, chances are our eating is chaotic as well. We don’t plan, and even if we do, we don’t have time to carry out the plan, so we just grab what we can when we can.


Some people call this winging it. Have you experienced this?


I bet there has been a time in your life when you thought you had more time for lunch than you did. Perhaps you misjudged your workload and you had to cut lunch short. Have no fear, there are ways that you can still eat mindfully while in a hurry.


Here are 3 mindful eating strategies to use when rushing:


  1. Sit down at the table, do not eat standing.


This is so important. If you eat while standing at the counter, or running around the kitchen, you won’t process that you just ate your lunch. So, while you may fill your belly, psychologically you won’t feel satisfied, and you’ll be searching for something to eat the moment you have a break.


  1. Put your fork down in between bites.


Or, put the sandwich down in between bites so you can focus on what’s in your mouth and not on the next bite you’re about to take. This will also give you the time to check in with your body and assess your satiety levels.


  1. Avoid all distractions.


Mealtime is not the time to catch up on your texts, emails, or the local news. Turn off your devices or put them on mute. Give your food the attention it deserves and savor it!


By following these tips, you will feel satisfied, both physically and psychologically.

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