4 Ways to Uplevel Your Self-Care This Holiday Season

There is a ton of pressure around the holidays. Pressure to be merry, pressure to spend time with family, pressure to buy presents, the list goes on and on. It can be easy to lose yourself and put your body’s needs on the back burner until the holidays are over.


This is a problem that many people face in December. A time that is supposed to be joyous becomes a stress-fueled season. It can be hard to find a minute to breathe between all the holiday parties and gift exchanges. This constant state of going can put a lot of stress not only on your physical well-being but also on your mental health.


When you finally do get a moment to yourself, reflect on how you are feeling. Are you finding it hard to unwind, even when all your to-do list items are crossed off? If so, it is time to take a break and focus on your self-care.


For some, relaxing is opening the fridge and grabbing a comfort food or perhaps opening a bottle of wine. The problem with this is, you start to form unhealthy coping mechanisms to stress. You are numbing a problem instead of treating it. Instead, find healthier solutions that will allow you to unwind and hopefully de-stress.


Here are 4 Ways to Saying Uplevel Your Self-Care this Holiday Season:


  1. Take a bubble bath, but not just any bubble bath


This may seem like a very simple response to a bigger problem, however, sometimes that’s all it takes. Soaking in the tub will give you the time to reflect on how you feel. While you’re there, practice some mindful meditation and reflect inward. You may even try breathing exercises to help your body de-stress.


  1. Engage in mindful body movement


As you may know, exercise releases the feel-good hormones, endorphins. The key is finding an activity that you enjoy. Try a new group class or even find a workout video online that you can do at home. Or simply, bundle up and go for a walk!


  1. Spend time with family


You may feel like you are stuck in the kitchen for the whole holiday season, I know that I do. Instead, plan a day with a family member or close friend and don’t bring your to-do list. Go grab dinner or catch a movie; but whatever you do, stay fully present and enjoy every moment.


  1. Ask for help


If you are still feeling overwhelmed, ask for help. Either reach out to friends or a licensed professional. You are not alone and there are many great resources out there to help you.


Enjoy the holiday season in a way that works for you!

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