The Truth About Diet Meal Delivery Systems

It sounds great, doesn’t it. Meals are delivered to your doorstep each day or week, and all you have to do is heat it up and eat it!


The convenience of these systems may be tempting, but is it really in your best interest?


If you’ve been trying to lose weight and find meal prep too time consuming, I can understand why the idea of someone else prepping, preparing, and portioning your food sounds like a dream come true. As a matter of fact, when I researched the benefits of these diet meal delivery systems, some of the reasons included “control your portions”, “no food decisions needed”, and “eat healthier”.


In fact, these are exactly the reasons why you should NOT use these diet meal delivery systems.


Let’s bust these false “benefits” right now!


False Benefit #1: “Control your portions”


This “benefit” that the diet meal delivery systems tout is causing you harm! Any time you must use “control”, you are doing something against your will. You are being forced to eat an amount that this diet company says is right for you. But how do they even know how hungry you are when you sit down to the meal?


They don’t.


Only you know how hungry you are and how much food you need to feel comfortable and to meet your needs. By eating the pre-portioned meals, you are disconnecting further from your inner signals.


And usually, these pre-portioned meals don’t sustain you for long, and then you are on the prowl looking for something to eat.


False Benefit #2: “No food decisions needed”


Again, this is not a benefit, it is also causing you harm. By not making any decisions around food, you are eating on autopilot. You aren’t learning ANYTHING about your food preferences or how much food you need to fill a particular level of hunger.


How many things do you do in your life that require you to NOT THINK?




You have to think when you are working on the job. You have to think when you are teaching your kids. You have to think when you are making life decisions.


Why should you not think when it comes to food?


Good question, right?


False Benefit #3: “Eat healthier”


Okay, so maybe these diet meal delivery systems are sending you more fruits, veggies, and whole grains. But are YOU learning anything about why these foods are good for you, and what they do in your body to keep you healthy?


Are you learning anything about eating to honor your health that will be sustainable for you?


At some point, if you are relying on these meals to help you lose weight, and the scale doesn’t move or the weight isn’t coming off as quick as you’d like it to, you throw in the towel to find a new system. And the benefit you did have from eating more fruits, veggies, and whole grains goes out the window too.


Sustainability for Life


When you consider eating styles, it’s very important to ask yourself if this eating style is something you can sustain for life.


When you eat out of a pre-portioned box and you are invited to a party or wedding, do you bring your boxed food with you? Do you eat before you go and then sit at the table eating nothing when everyone else is eating? Do you say “the heck with it” and eat everything in sight because tomorrow you are going back to your delivered food?


I’ve seen this happen! I was at a wedding and one of the women at my table ate nothing! I knew her history of dieting and understood that she was on some new diet plan and couldn’t eat. She looked miserable and didn’t enjoy herself at all.

Most social occasions revolve around food. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy these occasions and not worry about the food and what you eat?

Losing weight on these diet meal delivery systems is generally not going to provide you with long-term weight loss. Throw this to the curb along with all the other diets you’ve tried.

If you’re ready to start your journey to breaking free of dieting, pop your name and email in the boxes below for your free online experience, Break the Spell of Diets in 3 Days.


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