Tag Archive for: weight loss

What Does it Feel Like to Eat Without “Food Worry”?

Woman eating pizzaFantastic, terrific, freeing, amazing….I could go on and on.


If you recently attended my free webinar, or watched the replay, you heard my story, the highlight of which (in my opinion) is that for many years I was “on” a “healthy meal plan” (notice the quotation marks) that I created for myself and “followed” diligently day in and day out. I never looked at this as a diet, until I discovered intuitive eating.


If you haven’t listened to my webinar, you can still catch it here for a few more days.


What I realized through my research and training in intuitive eating is that the “healthy meal plan” I was “following” was just another diet. There were definitely foods that I didn’t give myself permission to eat, and when I did eat them, even if it was a small piece, there was a tinge of food worry that came over me. That food worry led to body worry….would that bite of cake cause me to gain weight?


When I implemented the steps toward learning to be an intuitive eater into my life, I achieved a feeling of freedom. These are the steps I spoke of in my recent webinar.


Let me give you an example of how I no longer have this “food worry”.


The only beverages I drink throughout the day are water and a morning cup of coffee. I don’t drink any other beverages because I happen to love water and how it makes my body feel. Last night I sat down to eat dinner and I had my tall glass of water on the table. I saw the orange juice container (my son was having a glass of orange juice) and at that moment, my body said to me “Bonnie, have some orange juice”. I can’t remember the last time I had orange juice, or any juice for that matter. But yet there was a feeling that is hard to describe that my body just knew that a small glass of orange juice would be right for me at that moment.


I honored my body’s inner wisdom and had a glass of orange juice. It was delicious. I enjoyed every sip.


What’s the big deal about this story? Well, four years ago while I was still on my “healthy meal plan”, I would not have allowed myself to have that small glass of OJ. I would hear my inner voice saying “don’t drink your calories”, “juice will make you gain weight”, etc….


But not last night! The only inner voice that I heard was the voice of nurturer, saying “yes, Bonnie, honor what your body is telling you”. And, that small glass filled my needs.


And, it’s not just with juice. It’s with pizza, ice cream  and all foods.


This was a wonderful feeling. No more food worry, no more body worry.


Would you like to feel this feeling too? You CAN! I promise!


Take this moment and listen to the webinar replay “How to Break Free from the Pain of Dieting and Get the Body You Love Without Feeling Deprived”.


And if you’d like, consider taking it further and join me and those who already said YES to the Freedom to Eat Forever™ Program where you will get the training, action and support you need to eat without food worry.


Hope to see you there!


If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me at bonnie@brghealth.com . I am here to support you all the way!



The Answer to End Your Weight Struggles is Here

Last night was really a landmark night for me and I want to share it with you.


I knew how excited I was to share with the world How to Break Free from the Pain of Dieting and Get the Body You Love Without Feeling Deprived. But I had no idea how many of you shared that same excitement. There is one thing that is undeniable. And you know it deep down. Discovering how to give up dieting and eat without guilt can be one of the most crucial factors in finally achieving what you have dreamed of for so long.


Just in case you missed it last night, or want to listen again, here is the link to the replay.  You’ll want to listen now because it’s only available for a short time.


On the webinar, I taught the 3 steps that you need to become an intuitive eater.  These are the same steps that I have incorporated into my own life. On the webinar, I tell you a bit about my own story and how intuitive eating has changed my life. And, you know what? It can change yours too.

Intuitive eating can help you:

  • be freed of dieting forever
  • lose weight and keep it off without feelings of deprivation
  • eat without guilt or food worry


I also announced on the webinar the premier of Freedom to Eat Forever. This is a revolutionary program that not only helps you shift your mindset and reject dieting.

But more importantly, it helps you experience:

  1. Unconditional permission to eat when you are hungry what foods you desire.
  2. Eating for physical and not emotional reasons.
  3. Reliance on your internal hunger and satiety signals to determine when and how much to eat.


And most crucially of all…reveals how to enjoy a diet-free life and a body you love.


It’s this combination of shifting your mindset and honoring your body that makes Freedom to Eat Forever such an amazing experience.  Powerful, even life-changing,  to help you not only leap frog your biggest challenges, but to set you up for a lifetime that exceeds your wildest dreams.


Learn the 3 steps to breaking free from dieting by listening to the webinar here.


Or, if you’ve already decided that you are ready to move forward, go ahead and check out the details and register for Freedom to Eat Forever here.


The program begins October 1, 2014. It’s a 90 day (3 month program- October, November and December).


Oh, and by the way, I have a fast action bonus for you if you take action fast. An “Ask Me Anything Coaching Call” available to the first 20 people who register. And, that’s on top of the big dollar savings for those who register through the webinar promotion (and lots of other bonuses and surprises I am throwing in).

Freedom to Eat Forever




Are You Married to the Scale?

Scale-married-divorcedLife as a chronic dieter is plagued with ups and downs, weight loss and weight gain. You want to find that one diet that works better than the rest, which will finally give you what you want, a new body. Well, a diet is not going to get you there. As you may realize by now you usually gain the weight back and then some, leaving you feeling sad, depressed and like a failure.


When you start a diet, do you set a goal as to how many pounds you want to lose? And, each week, or if we are really being honest here, each day you jump on the scale to see how much weight you lost. What happens when the number isn’t exactly what you had hoped for? It probably affects your mood and sets the tone for the rest of the day.


Why do you do this to yourself? Why do you let yourself be defined by a number? Are you married to the scale??


I encourage my clients who are on the journey to becoming an intuitive eater to put the weight loss and numbers game on the back burner for a while. Let’s not focus on the numbers. I recognize this is a very difficult thing to do since for all your years of dieting and being on formal weight loss diets where you would go to weekly meetings, you would also have weekly weigh-ins. I understand that up until now, the scale has been the only way you have measured your success.


Well that hasn’t worked, has it?


So, let’s try something different. Focus on being mindful in your eating, listening to your internal signals of hunger and satiety and make the best food choices for yourself that you can make. You will see that in time, weight loss will happen, without you even realizing it. The pants will become baggy, the skirt will be falling off, and the shirt will be swimming on you.  Visualize this happening as part of the natural process of trusting your inner instincts and wisdom.


It’s time to divorce the scale!


Okay, I realize that this sounds nice and all but is likely difficult for you to do. You need assistance. You need support. You need encouragement. And, I am here for you if you want me to be.


If you are seriously interested in learning how to lose the excess weight you are carrying around without focusing on the scale, just click here and request a FREE session with me. We will get on the phone and see the best way to move you forward.


Your turn to take action: It’s time to move beyond the dreaded scale. Get the support you need by clicking here.


International NO Diet Day

No DietingToday is a very important day: International NO Diet Day!


The purpose of this nationally recognized day is to raise awareness of the harmful effects unhealthy dieting can have as well as the importance of respecting and accepting body types.  The goal is to teach people how to have a healthy relationship with food and ditch restrictive eating habits.


May 6th has been the designated day for NO Diet Day ever since it was created in 1992 by Mary Evans Young, director of the British Group “Diet Breakers”.  After overcoming anorexia, Young worked to help people appreciate themselves for who they are and the body that they have and established the following set of goals for this very important and meaningful day:


GOAL: Celebrate the beauty and diversity of all our natural sizes and shapes.


GOAL: Declare a personal one-day moratorium on diet/weight obsession.


GOAL: Learn the facts about weight-loss dieting, health and body size.


GOAL: Honor the victims of eating disorders and weight-loss surgery.


GOAL: Help end weight discrimination, size-ism and fat phobia.


These are a great set of goals to set not only on International NO Diet Day, but for every day of the year.  Learning ways to eat intuitively by honoring your hunger and satiety cues is the best way to ditch the diet mentality and develop a healthy relationship with food.


Chronic dieting and the perpetual obsession with food and body weight is something that we are faced with constantly, especially in a culture that glorifies the notion that thin is beautiful.  This misconception has caused food to become the enemy for most people.  This is sad because food is something we should all cherish and enjoy and view as a means to nourish our bodies.


If you have been struggling on and off diets, let today be the day that you say NO MORE! Contact me for your FREE Break Free of Dieting Strategy Session and let’s turn this around for you. I will help you transform your relationship with food, your mind and your body so you can achieve the body that you love!


Your turn to take action: Click here for your Break Free of Dieting Strategy Session.

Am I Always So Bubbly and Happy?

8950365_sAs I sat down today to write my post for the iEat Mindfully™ blog, I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to write about.  But then it came to me.  Earlier today, I was told for about the 10th time this week, how bubbly and happy I am.  “Am I always like that, my client asked me?”  And I realized, yes, when I am teaching my clients about intuitive eating, I absolutely am giddy, bubbly and oh, so happy.


You see, for years when clients came to me for help in losing weight, I would create a healthy eating plan that fit into their lifestyle.  It included foods they liked, times they should eat, and even recipes.  My clients did very well…when they “followed” the meal plan.  But what happened when they didn’t “follow” the meal plan?  Or when a life event, stress, or bad day at the office had them dipping into the cookie jar.  Out went that healthy meal plan.


I dreaded the sessions when I would weigh a client and the rest of the session revolved around why they only lost 1 pound, or why they gained ½ pound.  I got so burnt out….I just wasn’t enjoying my work any longer.  This is when I knew I had to find another solution for my clients who struggled with chronic dieting and overweight/obesity, which I believed would in turn bring the passion back into my work.


That is when I found intuitive eating.  After spending time researching, studying, learning, and applying the principles of intuitive eating into my own life, I slowly worked it up into a program that would help transform my client’s lives.  It wasn’t easy at first.  Trying to get people to trust me that they should give up the “diet” or the “meal plan” wasn’t easy.


I quickly realized it really was more a matter of whether they could trust themselves.  After years and years of dieting and listening and following what other people/diet programs told them to eat, when to eat and how much to eat, well I guess it’s only natural that one would lose trust in themselves.


Fast forward to today…I am helping many people learn to regain that trust in themselves; to shift their mindset away from a diet mentality; to listen to their internal hunger and satiety signals.  The light bulbs that go on in their heads in our sessions are truly inspiring to me.  The “aha” moments are like no other.


So, yes, I am always bubbly, giddy and happy when I am working with my intuitive eating clients.  That’s what happens when I am doing what I love to do…when I am passionate about the transformation that I help my clients achieve.  Thank you to my wonderful clients.  I absolutely love working with you!


Your turn to take action:  If you would like the light bulbs to go on for you, head on over to http://www.talkwithbonnie.com and we will schedule a time to talk.



“Comfort Foods” Making your Clothes Uncomfortable?

There is nothing wrong with foods being a source of pleasure.  In fact, the more your relationship with food can be a positive one, the better you will feel about your eating habits.  However, confusing a positive relationship with eating your favorite foods with the notion of seeking “comfort” from certain foods can lead to problems with your relationship with food.

If you are eating something to gain a sense of comfort, this begins to connect your eating to emotions instead of satiety.  There is a difference between eating a food you love because you are enjoying the taste of it or the ceremony for which the food represents and eating to soothe emotions.

If you are eating for comfort, you are expecting that food to solve a problem for you.  It’s important to figure out if you are turning to food when you are frustrated, sad or bored.  If you are, then more than likely you need something else, other than food.  For example, if you are up late working on a project for work and you wander into the kitchen, stop and ask yourself if you are truly hungry.  Most likely you are tired, not hungry.

Let me encourage you to move away from using the term “comfort foods.”  Use food as fuel rather than therapy.  It is not to say you can’t consume foods you previously considered to be “comfort foods”; simply redefine their place in your eating plan, and make them a part of your healthy lifestyle, not a part of your mental well-being.

Your turn to take action: How will you work on banishing the phrase “comfort food” from your vocabulary?

Here We Go Again-Another Fad Diet

Woman on scaleJust a mere couple of months into 2013 and Americans have latched on to a new “magic bullet” called “The Fast Diet.”  To summarize, the “Fast Diet” recommends limiting your calories on two, non-consecutive days during the week to 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men.  The other five days you are free to eat whatever you want.  The creator of the diet, a doctor from Britain, claimed that following this plan resulted in his own 20 pound weight loss in two months, as well as reduction in his blood sugars and abdominal fat.

However many experts are skeptical due to the lack of human testing.  Without proper research, it is unethical to make a statement to the public that this diet is safe.  Any diet restricting calories to under 1000 is suspect because no human being, no matter what their weight, should be consuming that little energy if they want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  The up and down caloric patterns that occur on a day to day basis also throws off your metabolism and keeps it from working in a regular rhythm, something that could actually cause weight gain.  Another issue is it encourages erratic, mindless eating on the 5 days of the week that you are not fasting by telling people to “eat however they want.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to always eat “however you want”?  Well, that is what the iEat Mindfully™ program is all about, minus restricting calories and having to follow any rules!  Unlike the type of mindless eating the “Fast Diet” encourages five days a week, the iEat Mindfully™ program encourages you to eat whatever you want by honoring your true hunger and respecting your fullness.  It is not a diet, but rather a way of life.  There are no unhealthy restrictions on any day of the week.  You simply learn what your body needs, and have a mutual respect for it and the food that you consume.

Like fashion, diets are nothing more than trends.  They come and go with the season.  However knowing your body and living a healthfully is always in style.

Your turn to take action: What are some diet trends that have let you down?  Have you made a commitment to give up dieting?

iEat Mindfully™ Program Launch

Welcome to the online launch of iEat MindfullyTM!  First, let me congratulate you for taking the first step to learning how to banish diets forever and move past yo-yo dieting! You will never have to go on another diet again! You will learn to reclaim what you were born with… and that is to be able to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied.

I want you to know that if you are a chronic dieter then you have been a victim of dieting. It’s not your fault that the diets didn’t work. The diets are what have failed. I will help you to understand how your body works and how to reclaim the ability to trust your body again.

From years of dieting, you have been taught what you “should” or “shouldn’t” eat but this puts you right into the diet mindset.  Diets don’t work; you likely figured that out if you are a part of this event.  And, the right mindset alone doesn’t work either.

So what DOES work? The real key to getting a healthy body you love is to use a tailored solution that combines three essential ingredients: a healthy mindset, nutrition education and caring support!

Throughout this program launch, I will share with you 5 steps to a body you love without dieting.  You will find those steps at www.facebook.com/BRGDieteticsandNutritionPC

Let’s get the conversation going!

Welcome to the iEat Mindfully™ Blog

Welcome to the iEat Mindfully™ Blog!  This blog will focus on topics related to incorporating intuitive and mindful eating into your life.

Yo-yo dieters are those who cycle between weight loss and gain and jump from diet to diet, but can never seem to reach the success they want.  They rely on following meal plans as some sort of road map for success, but never really correct the underlying reasons that led them to gain weight in the first place.  By incorporating intuitive eating into your life, you are learning to listen to the signals from your body as to when you are hungry and comfortably satisfied.

I am excited to use this blog to address certain concerns that arise for those of you with a diet mentality, and I hope that it will help bring you peace with food and a body you love.  Please feel free to post questions and suggestions for blog topics that you would like to see in future posts.

I encourage you to enter your name and email address on the right side of the page to receive my FREE guide 5 Steps to a Body you Love without Dieting.

If you have battled with your weight and have been on and off many diets, it’s time to get off the diet roller coaster.  Click here to read about the iEat Mindfully™ program.  If you would like to schedule a free Break Free of Dieting Strategy Session with me, click here.

Stay tuned for our next blog addressing what exactly is mindful eating!

In the meantime, leave a comment and let me know what’s on your mind.