Tag Archive for: weight loss device

New Weight Loss Device Does What?

holdingtummyIt’s not unusual to open up the newspaper, magazine, email or hear on the radio about a new weight loss procedure or miracle diet and supplement to help you lose weight quickly and effortlessly.


If you are a chronic dieter, you probably take notice of all the hype around the “best” way to lose weight. And, you’ve probably tried most if not all of them.


Well, today I just had to write about the newest weight loss device that hit the market because it is quite disturbing to me. I will describe it to you, although I won’t name names for good reason.


This latest weight-loss device is a non-surgical procedure that implants a thin tube that connects the inside of your stomach to a discreet button on the outside of your abdomen.  After each meal, the device will allow you to empty 1/3 of the contents of your meal into the toilet by connecting a small, handheld device to the button.




While the company that developed this procedure does note this should be used in conjunction with lifestyle coaching, physical activity and healthier food choices, what does this picture conjure up for you?


For me, working with individuals with eating disorders, compulsive overeating and those who yo-yo diet their weight up and down, this is only going to exacerbate their struggles with food and their bodies.



Here are 2 problems I see off the bat:


  1. People will eat beyond the point of comfortable satiety because they know they can get rid of some of it before they absorb all the calories. This will lead to more binge eating and eating disorders, not less.


  1. This will cause even more social anxiety and isolation among obese individuals. About 20 minutes after they eat, they have to excuse themselves and go to the bathroom to empty the contents of their stomach. Just typing this gives me the chills. How much anxiety do you think it will give you if you are with a group of friends, in a corporate lunch meeting or out on a date?



This new approved device is a detriment to society on a physical and psychological level without a doubt. There is no “quick-fix” to obesity, it is a disease that requires a long-term solution via a multi-faceted approach.


Start by understanding the real reason(s) you overeat, the WHY behind your eating. As I have said many times before, it is not about the food.


If you would like my help to create a healthier relationship with food, your mind and your body, just click here and contact me.