Tag Archive for: mindful eating

Say Sayonara to the Idea of a “Perfect Bikini Body”

Summer pool oceanIt seems like we don’t have any “in-between” weather anymore. You know the kind of weather I mean. The days of cool breeze where you wear a light “spring jacket” or sweatshirt as you run your errands. Nope, we’ve gone from the cold of winter to the hot humidity of summer, even though it’s not officially summer yet on the calendar.


Although it is not summer yet, the beach craze seems to be spreading already. I’m sure you have heard and seen advertisements promoting diets, pills, and supplements to give you that “perfect beach body in just 3 weeks.”


Let’s be honest. They are all a hoax! I know that as a mindful eater, you must know this already. There is no quick fix to losing weight and getting healthy. The only way to see true, long term success in weight loss is to commit to bettering yourself through eating and lifestyle changes.


There is another problem I have with these promotions for getting a “bikini body” before summer. Who decided that you have to have a certain body to feel comfortable in a bikini? The media is constantly sending out the message that you must be thin, toned, and bronzed in order to be considered beautiful. It is time to throw this idea away.


This beach season I have a new idea for you. LOVE your body and NOURISH your body rather than damage it with extreme diets and pills that are harmful to your body. The only way to achieve a body you love and are proud of is to eat mindfully, make mindful lifestyle changes and respect you’re here and now body.


Sayonara, diets. We had no need for you this winter and we certainly don’t need you this summer or ever again!

Powerful Strategies to Conquer Overeating – The Final 3!

Have you been following my series Powerful Strategies to Conquer Overeating on The Diet Free Zone Show?

Last month I shared with you the first 3 strategies to conquer overeating and today I will share the final 3. But before I do, let me remind you what the first 3 strategies are.

Strategy #1: Be patient!

Forget about quick fixes. It can take 3-6 months to replace bad habits with healthy ones. You want these new habits to last a lifetime, don’t you? Then what’s your rush. Give yourself plenty of time to change, and don’t focus on perfection. If you set an impossible deadline for yourself, you will become discouraged and throw in the towel. Patience is a virtue!


Strategy #2: Talk to yourself!

Positive self-talk is crucial to deal with those inner voices that discourage you from making change. Remind yourself why you want to change, for example “I’ll feel better if I lose weight’. Speak out loud to yourself so you hear your positive voice, rather than just “speaking in your head”.


Strategy #3: Make new friends!

Do you have friends that sabotage your efforts? Or, are the friends you hang out with always interested in going out to eat? If so, find people who will support your efforts, and who are interested in going for a hike on a Sunday rather than a movie. Take a good look at who you hang out with and their influence on your eating and exercise habits. And, if needed, make a change!


Now, on to the next 3 strategies to conquer overeating.


The videos for these strategies can be found by clicking each of the images below:
Strategy #4: Forget About Willpower

Powerful strategy 4






Strategy #5: Set up a Positive Home Environment

Powerful strategy 5






Strategy #6: Cheer Yourself On

Powerful strategy 6






After watching the entire series, let me know which strategies are working for you!

A Mindful Eating Lunch Experience at the Kitchen Table

Rush, rush, rush! That’s how most of our days are. There never seems to be enough time to do the things we need to do.


How does that affect your eating? Do you stop during the day to actually sit down at the kitchen table to eat your lunch? Or, if you are at work, do you walk away from your desk and sit in the cafeteria or break room and mindfully eat your lunch?


If you do, then congratulations! But, if you are like most people, the answer is probably no.


I want to share a personal experience with you that happened yesterday.


It was lunchtime. I had a busy morning in my home office, and I felt the need to walk away for a while. I have been making it a practice to leave the office and go to my kitchen to eat my lunch at the kitchen table, away from the phones and hustle bustle. It doesn’t always work out, as sometimes I am running behind with appointments, but I am working at this just like you are. Yet, yesterday, something was just different.


I went up to the kitchen, asked myself what I wanted to eat, prepared it, and sat down at the table. It was a beautiful day out (thank goodness, it’s about time) and I looked out through my bay windows in the kitchen as I was eating my lunch. I was not rushed, I had time until my next client appointment and I very slowly and mindfully ate. I was noticing the flavors, the textures and how the food felt in my mouth. When I was finished, I was very satisfied and commented to myself that I had eaten this sandwich hundreds of times before, but this time was different.


This time, I really delved into the sensory qualities of the food I was eating. And, my satisfaction was a 10! It reaffirmed for me what I am teaching you guys. Mindful eating is a key part of your intuitive eating journey.


I’m not making this up. It really feels good. It is amazing! I am worth the time it takes to take care of me and to honor my body. YOU are worth the time too. All your other work and errands will get done. You have one body. Treat it well and it will treat you well.


Please share your mindful eating experiences below.

Being Intuitive and Mindful in Your Morning Routine

If you are like most people, your morning is one mega rush! Quick jump out of bed, shower, get dressed and run out the door! You’re lucky if you grab a coffee and muffin to eat in the car as you head out to start your day. Or, you stop at the local convenience store and pick up a bagel with butter and ginormous cup of Joe. Worse yet, you don’t eat any breakfast and your first meal of the day is lunch.


Sound familiar?


If so, you are probably not stopping long enough to figure out how your body feels when you treat it like this. You are on autopilot, doing the same routine day after day and wonder why you crash by the time you get home from work.


Nourishing your body from the moment you open your eyes in the morning is key to a healthy mind, body and soul. I recognize it may take some time for you to change your morning routine, so focus on slow changes over time, at your level of comfort.


Here are some suggestions to get you started.

  • When you first wake up, take some time to meditate, even if it’s for just 3-5 minutes. It will allow you to connect with yourself on a deeper level as you start your day.
  • Set your intention about how your day will be, for example “Today will be an incredible day. I feel positive and alive”.
  • Spend 30 minutes to get your blood flowing and heart pumping through an enjoyable exercise routine or body movement activity.
  • Shower and get dressed in clothes that you feel comfortable in. Respect your body at the size it is now, no matter what size that is, and wear clothes (including undergarments!) that fit you well and comfortably.
  • Sit down and enjoy a balanced breakfast that includes wholesome food that you enjoy. Savor each bite, noting the taste, texture, temperature and aroma. Appreciate the food on your plate as you stay fully present in the eating experience without any distractions (avoid reading the morning newspaper or watching the news as you eat).
  • Pack your lunch and get ready to leave.
  • Hug your loved ones (for a boost of “feel good” hormones) and head out the door.


True, this morning routine takes some time, which means you will have to wake up a bit earlier than you are used to. And, that likely means that you will have to go to sleep a little earlier too.


But let me ask you, aren’t you worth it?


Your turn to take action: Practice incorporating this morning routine into your life and let me know how you feel in the comments below.



What’s Holding You Back from Saying YES to a Path of Intuitive Eating?

I’ve just completed launching my program Freedom to Eat Forever and I’ve spoken and emailed with a lot of you. Many of you were ready to jump in and leave dieting behind for good. And some of you were hesitant. That’s fine, I respect that. You just weren’t ready.  Yet, it’s important to explore the reasons why you were hesitant. They likely include time, money, or fear.


Let’s start with time. You know the age old saying “there’s never enough time in the day”. Sometimes when there’s an unknown, it’s hard to figure out if you’ll have enough time to commit to it.  But here is another saying I’m sure you’ve heard…you make time for the things you really want to do. So while  you may not be sure what type of time commitment you are able to give to learning a new way of approaching your relationship with food, it’s likely that if there wasn’t another underlying reason, you probably can allocate some time to take care of you in this very important way.


So, let’s look at the next possibility – money. Many times you ask for an opportunity to come your way, you wish for it, you dream of it. And, it is presented to you. Yet, you turn it down. I understand it’s scary to invest in yourself because what if you’re not successful? What if the results are the same as they have been in the past? At some point you need to move beyond this fear if you believe a new and different approach can work for you. You need to move out of your comfort zone, think outside the box and recognize that what you’ve tried for years and years just hasn’t served you. Thus, maybe it is time to invest in yourself in a very real new way and give yourself the chance to finally be free of food and body worries for good. A new approach gives hope.


The third possibility is fear. Fear of what? Fear of actually not dieting anymore. If you are committing to giving up dieting, then you might worry that you will lose control of your eating and constantly overeat. I fully understand your dilemma. Diets are safe for you. They tell you what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. You don’t need to make any decisions. But let me ask you. Is this really how you want to live your life? Or, do you want to be in charge of your own body and your own food choices?


I’ve given you some things to think about. If you want to further explore these areas, feel free to contact me.


Wishing you success and forward movement on your intuitive eating journey.

The 3 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You Yo-Yo Dieting

Freedom+TWITTER-1Are you tired of jumping from diet to diet without seeing the weight loss you are hoping for?


Do you find yourself frustrated and wondering any of the following…


“It is so hard to stick to my diet. I always feel deprived of my favorite foods and end up giving in to them”


“I am following the diet rules but am not reaching my weight loss goals”


“What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I succeed in losing weight?”


I will answer these questions and all your dieting frustrations with the same response.


Dieting will not give you long term success in losing weight. That’s right, if you want to lose weight and keep it off forever, no diet will help you.


If you want to experience long term weight loss and a healthy body you love, it is time to ditch the diets for good.


Here are the 3 biggest mistakes that keep you yo-yo dieting without achieving the body you love.


Mistake #3: You are stuck in a diet mentality.

Diets can be very tempting as they promise to help you see results quickly or with a magical ingredient that helps you lose weight without even trying. If you are looking to achieve long term results and a body you love, you must escape the diet mindset and the lists of foods which you can and cannot eat.


Mistake #2: You put your self-care on the back burner.

In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day responsibilities, do you often forget to take the time to care for yourself? Do you feel guilty if you do take care of your own needs? If you want to make peace with food and learn to tune into your natural hunger and satiety signals, you must care for yourself and that means scheduling personal time for yourself every day.


Mistake #1: You do not trust your inner wisdom; instead you are listening to what the diets tell you to do.

The bottom line is that if you are following a diet you are not listening to what your body is trying to tell you. A diet tells you what to eat, how much to eat, even when to eat. I have a secret to share with you… if you are listening, your body will tell you all these things. The key is trusting your body’s inner wisdom instead of relying on a diet.

How can you stop making these 3 big mistakes that keep you yo-yo dieting?


Freedom to Eat Forever is designed to help you shift your mindset so you can trust your inner wisdom as your guide to eating. It is time for you to start enjoying a diet-free life so you can achieve the body you love, forever.


Hear what others have to save about Freedom to Eat Forever and how you can enjoy this same freedom from dieting and food worry http://freedomtoeatforever.com/



I Ate a Feta Cheese Veggie Quiche. Would You?

Have I mentioned recently how wonderful it is to be an intuitive eater? Yes, I know I have and my hope is that you are moving forward on your intuitive eating journey.


I want to share an example of why it’s so wonderful to be an intuitive eater.


I’m just back from vacation visiting my parents in Florida. The sunshine was fabulous, and it was really nice to relax and spend time with family. One evening, my husband and I went out to dinner. As I looked over the menu, I wasn’t quite sure what I was in the mood for, and then my eyes landed on the Feta Cheese Veggie Quiche. I decided that THAT was exactly what I wanted. I was contemplating ordering one of the dinner salads (which also sounded delish), but when I read the description on the quiche, I really knew that this was what I wanted at that moment.


Never having ordered a dish like this before, I wondered what it would look like. When it arrived, I was very pleased. The piece of quiche came with two types of side salads drizzled with dressing. I started to eat, savoring every bite. I put my fork down in between each biteful so I can focus on the food that was in my mouth, and not the next forkful.


You may be reading this and wondering why was this so special. I’ll tell you why.


Before I became an intuitive eater, I followed a “healthy meal plan” and would NEVER have ordered this quiche dish in a restaurant. I would have figured it was too fatty, greasy and cheesy. I would have ordered either an egg white veggie omelet with salad and baked potato (which I still love by the way) or one of those dinner salads I mentioned earlier, even if I really wanted the quiche. I would have gone the “safe” route which really limited my eating pleasure.


But now, I asked myself what I really wanted to eat in that moment, and when the answer was the Feta Cheese Veggie Quiche, I went with it and I enjoyed every bite. No guilt, no worry, just pure pleasure.


For many of you reading this, if you struggle with yo-yo dieting and a diet mentality, it is very likely when you go on vacation you think like this: “It’s vacation, I’m going to eat what I want and start my diet when I get back”. We both know that this way of thinking leads to overeating and weight gain and continuation of the vicious cycle of dieting.


Bottom line is this: you can eat what you love and eat intuitively and mindfully while on vacation (and even when you are not on vacation).


Your turn to take action: Choose a food or menu item this week that you would never think of eating if you were on a diet. Eat it mindfully, tuning into your satiety signals, and describe the experience below.


Red, Yellow, Blue, White…Does it Matter?

So, you are probably wondering what I am talking about. Why am I listing a bunch of colors in the title of this blog?


Well, studies show that the color of your plate has a lot to do with how much you eat or don’t eat.


I discuss this on this week’s episode of The Diet Free Zone Show™.


So, just click the image below and watch now.






After you watch the video, come back and comment: What color is your plate? Did you try the experiment I mentioned in the video and if so, what did you find?

5 Tips to Help You Eat Less

If you’ve been working on losing weight by following diet plans, you are probably eating a certain amount of food that the diet tells you to eat. But the truth is, there are other strategies that you can use to help you eat less.


Learn about those strategies on this week’s episode of The Diet Free Zone Show™.


Just click the image below.

5 Tips to eat less







After you watch the show, please leave your comments below and let me know which tip works best for you.

After the Party Detox Diets and Cleanses

Fruit-Measuring tape on scale plateIt’s 7 days into the New Year and I’ve already received several emails from people asking me for a detox diet, cleansing system or quick fix method to jumpstart their weight loss for 2015.


If you’ve been following me for a while and are in tuned with my philosophy, I don’t advocate any of these quick fix methods. Many times these detox diets, cleansing programs and quick fixes are more harmful than good.


Let’s not start the New Year off on that foot. Instead, let’s figure out what you really need and want and how to get there.


Ask yourself the following questions:


1)    How do I currently feel in my body?

2)    How would I like to feel?

3)    What do I think is causing me to feel this way?


You may answer these questions by describing your current feeling as sluggish, tired, bloated and/or heavy. And you would prefer to feel energetic, light on your feet, lively and strong.


Now take a look at your answer to question number 3. If you are being truthful to yourself, you will take a closer look at your eating habits and how they relate to the answers in question number 1. For example, maybe you overate on holiday cookies, drank a few too many alcoholic beverages when ringing in the New Year, and still have leftovers staring you down in the refrigerator. These are likely some of the reasons you feel sluggish, tired, bloated and heavy.


So, let me ask you a question. Will starting a detox diet or a 7 day cleanse help you get to the root cause of the problem? Or, will it just put a Band-Aid on it?


I’ll give you the answer. It will just put a Band-Aid on a problem that’s been slowly smoldering and finally tipped over during the holiday season.


Instead of a quick fix method, here are some solutions for you to try.


1)    Set up your environment for success. Deal with holiday leftovers immediately. Give them to a neighbor, freeze them or throw them out. You don’t need them sitting out tempting you.


2)    Take the time to plan and prepare meals so you don’t have to stop at the drive-thru on the way home from work for a quick dinner.


3)    Lay off the alcoholic beverages for a while. They are empty calories, meaning they provide zero nutrients to your body.


4)    Increase your intake of fruits and veggies. Try to include veggies at each meal, and at least 3 fruits throughout your day. And don’t forget about whole grains. They are important and will keep your digestive tract running smoothly.


5)    Commit to a diet-free lifestyle in the New Year.



There are many more tips I can give you, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. Progress happens when you take small steps one at a time. Let’s start with these 5 steps above.


Do you need help setting up a diet-free lifestyle? No problem. Just click here and request to speak with me (my treat). Don’t waste any more of your precious time with detoxes and cleanses that ultimately are not your long-term answer.