Tag Archive for: holiday weight gain

Enjoying the Holidays WITHOUT the Fear of Weight Gain

Join me today for a deeper dive LIVE training into today’s topic right HERE. If you’re not a member, just click to join.


You love the holiday season, but you also fear the holiday season. You know what I mean. You love the get-togethers (even though this year they will look very different) and you love the food! But you are also worried that you will gain weight over the holidays, well, because you always do.


Why do you gain weight over the holiday season? It’s a question I ask you to think about.


Is it because there is delicious food and pastries constantly around your home and you are eating for what seems like 24/7?


Is it because it’s hard to “resist” your favorite food when everyone else is enjoying it?


Is it because you figure you’ll just enjoy it now, after all “it’s the holidays”, and you’ll get back “on track” on January 1st?


If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it’s your DIET MENTALITY speaking.


(And if you answered no, but there is another reason you gain weight over the holidays, please share in the comments below. I’d love to chat about it.)


Avoiding the Holiday Weight Gain Mentality

It might seem like changing your mindset is difficult. I’m not going to say it’s easy, but it IS possible. Here are 3 ways:

  1. Believe in yourself. If you don’t believe you CAN, you won’t. So, take a moment and ask – “Do I really want to change my mindset?” If you think for one minute that changing your mindset means you will feel deprived, you will continue in the diet mentality. Why? Because restriction, whether physically or psychologically, will lead to deprivation which leads to binge eating.


Commit to removing all thoughts of diets, weight loss/gain, and black and white thinking. Just this commitment alone will change the results you’ll get.


  1. Promise yourself you will NOT start a new diet in January. Oh yes, it’s SO easy to say you’ll start over in the New Year and that THIS year will be the year that you finally lose weight, right? This statement alone gives you the permission you are seeking to eat with abandon during the month of December. But this never works out the way you plan.


This year, promise yourself that you will absolutely not repeat the mistakes of past years. And remember, if there is even a tiny thought in your subconscious that you will in fact start a diet in January, your behaviors around food will be affected. So, make this promise to yourself, both consciously and subconsciously.


  1. Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. You want the apple pie? Enjoy a piece – at dessert time when everyone else is eating it, not later in the kitchen sneaking a piece when no one is looking.


You don’t gain weight by enjoying a holiday meal with dessert. Or even two. But you do gain weight when you deprive yourself and sneak eat later in the evening. Which by the way, then leads you to do the same the next day, and the next, until you “start over”. See how the diet mentality works here?


Tell yourself you can eat what you want; the key is to stay tuned in and present while you are eating. This way, you savor and enjoy it, without any guilt.

I will be delving deeper into these ideas today on a free training: How to Avoid the Weight Gain Mentality. It’s happening in my private Facebook Group, so join us here!