Tag Archive for: gentle movement

3 Ways to Reframe “I Can’t”

When it comes to making changes in your life, your self-talk makes all the difference.  And learning to stop dieting is no different.


Do the words “I can’t” sound in your head?


You probably developed this mindset following years of dieting. Diets are full of rules and restrictions that set you up for failure. When it comes to eating intuitively, you may also feel like you “can’t” do it because programs have not worked for you in the past. However, intuitive eating is not a diet, and those restrictive rules do not apply.


While you are on your intuitive eating journey, you are working on reframing your mindset. You are changing the way you think about your body, food, and the way you eat.


You can get rid of your “I can’t” by reframing your mindset.


Change your “I can’t” to “I am”, “I can”, and “I will”.


  1. I am


When you’re working towards stopping the binge eating, your gut reaction may be “I can’t do it.”


Change this thought to, “I am no longer binge eating!”


Even if you still have an occasional binge, repeat this statement to help rewire your neural pathways in the brain.



  1. I can


Incorporating gentle movement into your life can bring up fear if you’re used to exercise bootcamps for the purpose of burning calories and losing weight. Moving to more gentle, joyful movement might bring up worries such as “will I gain weight?” This will keep you stuck in diet mentality.


Instead, acknowledge the challenge and reframe the “I can’t just do gentle movement” into “I can do gentle movement and feel great”.


By changing your self-talk, you will see how easy it is to progress forward.


  1. I will


Taking action is key! When you say, “I can’t”, that stops you in your tracks.


Instead, acknowledge that learning to become an intuitive eater is a process and it takes time. Do yourself a favor and reframe this thought into a more realistic self-talk.


I will be an intuitive eater again, just like I was born!


Simply reframing your mindset will help you get “I can’t” out of your vocabulary and you will feel great doing it!!

Intuitive Eating on Vacation

Have I mentioned yet that summer is my favorite season? Yes, it is!


The hot weather, spending time outdoors, longer days, time off…I can on and on. I just love it.


Whether you’re planning a weekend away, a visit to a tropical island, or a staycation, food and eating challenges might come up, especially for those who are in the process of recovering from dieting. If this is you, then keep reading!


If you feel the urge to say, “I’m on vacation, I’ll enjoy myself and start over when I get home”, then please know that you’re not alone. This is what’s called the “vacation mindset.” When you’re on vacation, the sneaky diet mentality and food police might join you.


This never pans out well. So, let’s discuss how you can continue your intuitive eating practice while you’re soaking up the sun!


  1. Avoid the All or Nothing Mindset

If you go into vacation thinking “I won’t eat anything I shouldn’t, or “I’m just going to eat and deal with it when I get home”, you’re thinking in extremes. Instead, commit to staying fully present while on vacation, and continue to make purposeful food choices, just like you’re doing at home.


  1. Pay Attention to Your Fullness Signals

Go ahead and explore new foods and enjoy familiar ones. Remind yourself to check in mid-meal to see how you are feeling. As you become more satisfied, remind yourself that you can come back and order this food again. You don’t need to eat it all, to a point of being overfull and uncomfortable. That just takes away from the whole experience.


  1. Listen for Hunger

When you’re out and busy trying to jam all the activities you would like to do into a short time frame, you may forget to stop and eat lunch and then feel overhungry by dinner. Throughout the day check-in with your body and listen for those hunger cues. Make sure you carry snacks with you so you can answer the hunger when it calls.


  1. Make Movement Fun

Going to the hotel gym on vacation may not be your cup of tea, and that’s okay. However, there are many movements you may enjoy doing, that you can do while vacationing. Or you may want to try something new, such a hiking as local trail, or kayaking in the clear waters. Find an activity that is appealing to you, and remove all expectations. Just have fun!


We all need a break, and the summer is a great time to take a vacation! Tell the food police they are not welcome and enjoy yourself while making memories!