Tag Archive for: birthright

Intuitive Eating is Your Birthright – 5 Day Special

When’s the last time you watched a newborn baby feed? I mean a real newborn, like just a few hours old.


I did, on Monday evening, when I went to visit my daughter-in-law and newborn granddaughter! I could have just stared for hours at this little princess; she is just so adorable. But as I was staring at her, I noticed something very interesting. She started puckering up her mouth and moving it side-to-side, her way of telling her mom that she was hungry!


Did you ever stop to think about this?


Babies cannot speak, their way of communicating is non-verbal, and they get their message across loud and clear. That message of hunger is coming from within, they were born with the ability to know when they are hungry and when they are satisfied enough to pull away from breast or bottle.


You were born this way too! You may not remember back to those early newborn days, but you were. We are all born intuitive eaters.


So, what happened over the years that caused you to stop being guided by this innate ability of eating intuition?


While there are several reasons, the biggest one I feel is you falling prey to the billion-dollar diet industry and your desire to lose weight.


When you start listening to food rules and guidelines from external sources (meaning outside of your own body), you are basically telling your body that you don’t trust the messages it is giving you.


This is not your fault. The diet industry and those health coaches promoting diets are at fault. But you can do something about it today. You can stand up and say NO MORE DIETS! You can tell yourself that you CAN learn to TRUST in your own body again.


Because I am telling you, YOU CAN!


Getting back to becoming an intuitive eater is a journey of discovery and growth. There is no start and end point. It will become a daily practice that is second nature again, just as you were born.


Maybe you are already on your intuitive eating journey. That’s great!! Practice and support will continue to guide you to coming home to your body.


In honor of my new granddaughter, I have a SPECIAL OFFER for you!


For You – If You’ve Had Previous Intuitive Eating Training:

For 5 days only, get the PRACTICE, SUPPORT AND ACCOUNTABILITY you need to kick your intuitive eating practice up a notch.


Join the INTUITIVE EATING MASTERY CIRCLE for 50% off. Read all the details HERE and join an amazing group of women who are on the journey towards living life to the fullest!


For you – If You’re Just Starting Your Intuitive Eating Journey:

For 5 days only, get 50% off my Freedom to Eat Forever Intuitive Eating Program, PLUS 5 months FREE in the Intuitive Eating Mastery Circle. Read all the details HERE and join an inspiring community of women who support each other every step of the way.


Not sure which program is right for you? Email me and let’s get on the phone and figure it out together.