Your Year in Review – 3 Steps to Achieve the Health You Desire in 2016

2016 Your Year in ReviewThe impending New Year offers opportunity for reflection and growth. While you continue on your intuitive eating journey, now is as good a time as ever to reflect and plan ahead. Take the time to celebrate all of your accomplishments of this past year and envision your future accomplishments in the upcoming year.

Step 1: Reflection and Change

Take a moment to think about what actions, behaviors and beliefs have worked for you this past year. What have you been doing that has helped you achieve your goals? How are you different than you were a year ago? While you sit and think, let me ask you a question: is there something in your life that you would like to change? Perhaps you’d like to engage in more self-care, improve your eating behaviors or finally put an end to emotional eating. There is always room for improvement. Write these things down. Write in detail how you plan to go about changing these situations to make your life a more fulfilling one this 2016.

Step 2: Reflection and Letting Go

While you concentrate on the things you would like to change, you probably realize there are some things that you don’t have the power to change. There are just some things you do not have control over. These things that burden your mind and your body are feelings that are better left in 2015. My friend and colleague, Dr. Mary, says “you cannot plant your garden in last year’s soil”.

You will not grow if you do not make changes. Relieve your mind of all of the built-up stress, frustration and anger from the lack of control over certain people or situations. Allow yourself to release what is holding you back and allow the activation of a happier, healthier you. Before you embark on change, hold a release ceremony for the things that you are leaving behind. Write them on a piece of paper, then burn it or shred it while repeating “I am letting you go.”

Step 3: Envision the Future

Now it’s time to look ahead. What do you want your 2016 to look like? The New Year is an open book with 365 blank pages. Conceptualize how this year will go month-by-month. Write down your goals and step-by-step plans to make 2016 an exciting and fulfilling year. What you need to remember is not to be limited by fear of change. Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

Your turn to take action: Think about these questions, and answer in the comment section below:

  1. What do you want to change about your eating and health habits in 2016?
  2. What do you need to let go of that is holding you back, that you know you cannot change?
  3. What do you want your 2016 to look like?

How to Achieve Your Health Goals In 2016

Goals 2016I cringe this time of year. You know why? Because my inbox is flooded with dozens of miracle diets for the New Year. They promise quick and easy weight loss by following a set of rules to reach unrealistic goals.


Join me in throwing your New Year’s resolutions out the window. Start this New Year by doing the opposite of so many people. Release yourself from the prison of rules that you set for yourself, or worse – that someone else has set for you. Instead continue on your path towards becoming an intuitive and mindful eater.


I realize this isn’t an easy path. But remember, it may not be easy but it is worth it!


There are 3 essential ingredients I believe you need to piece together in order to achieve this goal for 2016.


Here they are (and resources to help too!)


Essential Ingredient #1: Create a healthy mindset. Commit to NOT listening to what others tell you to do. You need to decide for yourself what is best. What makes YOU happy? What makes you feel good? What eases your mind and fills your stomach?  Stop letting dieting books, relatives and TV hosts dictate what you need or what you should eat. They don’t know what is right for you. Only you know how to make yourself the best you can be. Re-learn to trust your body. You may be surprised what you get out of it.


Essential Ingredient #2: Find caring love and support. It’s no fun being on this journey alone. And, it’s possible that all your girlfriends are about to embark on the latest New Year’s diet. So what are you to do? Find a support group filled with people just like you who have decided to never diet again. They do exist. If you are interested, come on over to my private Facebook intuitive eating support group. This is a judgement-free space where real people share real intuitive eating struggles and successes. I offer my own advice and tips along with fun challenges and giveaways throughout the year.


Essential Ingredient #3: Be open to learning about nutrition from a reputable source. There is so much overwhelming nutrition information on the internet that it gets downright confusing. Just this morning a client mentioned to me that she has no idea what to eat anymore, there are so many recommendations she reads that contradict each other. It is key to connect with a reputable nutrition source such as a registered dietitian nutritionist to learn about nutrition. Get to know what you’re putting into your body. The more you know the more you will find yourself being more conscious about what you’re eating.


To help clarify the many nutrition questions you might have while you are food shopping, check out My Supermarket Sidekick: Your Aisle-by-Aisle Shopping Guide. I wrote this guide to help you as you navigate the aisles in the supermarket. Learn more here.


Your Turn to Take Action: What are your health goals of 2016? Comment below!


Protecting Yourself Against New Year’s Diet Talk

New-years-resolution-writing-with-a-red-pen-in-a-calandarYou have made the commitment to never diet again. Yay you!! The only problem you are facing now is the constant bombardment of the media with THE way for you to finally lose your excess weight now that the New Year is approaching.


All this diet talk sends chills up my spine. Actually it makes me downright mad. I am really so tired of hearing about the next miracle diet to hit the market.


You know why I am so mad about it?


Because it’s the innocent, decent people like you that get hurt. It is so easy to get sucked into the amazing claims these diets tout, why wouldn’t you say “let me try it, this will be THE one.”


But sadly, it isn’t so. Not too soon after January 1st you will be throwing in the towel on this diet too.


So the question is, how do you deal with the media and how do you deal with your girlfriends who are getting ready to embark on a new diet come January 1st?


Here’s how:

  • Recommit to your diet-free way of life. Remind yourself why you began your intuitive eating journey. Then every time another commercial hits the airwaves, an email pops up in your inbox or your friend chews your ear off with the new diet she is on, quietly repeat this mantra to yourself “I have committed to a diet-free life. I rock!”


  • Unsubscribe from all diet-related email subscriptions, or magazines that advertise the latest diets and “here’s how to lose the baby weight fast” articles.


  • Find a buddy to join you on your diet-free journey. Not sure where to find one? Join us in the Diet Free Radiant Me™ online community where there are hundreds of others who are breaking free of diets!


I’m keeping this blog short, sweet and to the point.


1.Commit to your diet-free lifestyle and learning to practice intuitive eating.


2.Close your eyes and ears to others who talk diets.


3.Get the right support for your journey.


Your turn to take action: How does all this end of year/New Year diet talk make YOU feel? What action will you do to stay free and clear of the diet industry vultures?



Enjoy Your Holiday Sweets without Guilt

Gingerbread cookiesHoliday sweets are all over, wherever you turn! At the office, at home, family gatherings, work parties, school etc.


Chocolates, holiday cookies, pies, candy, and other sweet treats seem to call your name.


How do you answer them?


Do you eat them, only to feel guilty afterwards?


Or, do you say…”it’s the holidays, I don’t want to deprive myself while everyone else is eating them.”


As you embark on, or continue, your intuitive eating journey, it is important to learn how to eat your favorite foods, sweets and desserts included, without feelings of guilt and harsh self-talk.


Year after year you promise yourself either one of two things:


  • I won’t touch anything I’m not “supposed” to eat during the holidays. I am not going to gain an ounce! (By the way, who is deciding what you are “supposed” to eat anyway…)


  • I can’t say no, I just don’t have the willpower. Let me just eat and I’ll tackle my weight in January.


How has this worked out for you year after year?


If you are like many people who contact me after January 1st, neither scenario works out well. In scenario #1, you are not being realistic. You are surrounded by holiday goodies, how can you expect yourself to not eat any of it? And, why shouldn’t you eat some of it?


In scenario #2, you overeat, feel miserable, bloated, heavy and fatigued. Then starts the negative self-talk and body bashing. This is a lose-lose situation.


I am going to show you how to enjoy your holiday sweets without guilt!



Challenge - Holiday Sweets



Join me in the Enjoy Your Holiday Sweets Without Guilt 3 Day Free Challenge.


This 3 Day Free Challenge is happening over in the Diet Free Radiant Me™ private Facebook group.


Not a member yet? Just click here to gain access! The challenge starts on Monday, December 14TH. 



Keep Your Nose Out of My Plate

Veggie pizza plateWhy is it that some people need to know what you are eating, and have opinions on what is best for you?


I was at a wedding the other night. When it came time for the dinner, I asked the waiter for a vegetarian plate. I don’t prefer chicken or meat, and I usually ask for the vegetarian option. Not a problem. Yet, when my dinner plate came to the table, all eyes were on it. “What do you have there?” “Why did you order vegetarian? You don’t eat meat?”


I don’t need to get into conversation with anyone about my food preferences or what I eat, unless of course I want to. But most of the time it is not welcomed.


Do you have people in your life that stick their nose into your plate? Perhaps they are offering you advice on what you should or should not eat to lose weight, lower your cholesterol or to have more energy? Even worse, have you heard the dreaded words “Should you be eating THAT?”


I call these people boundary invaders. They are invading your private personal space. They have NO IDEA what is right for you, what you inner signals are telling you, what your taste preferences are. They need to keep their noses in their own plates.


Here’s how to deal with these people:

Tell them, ever so politely, that you are in charge of your decisions as to what to eat and what is right for you. Respectfully ask them to mind their own business and look in their own plate.


As for me, I politely answered “Vegetarian is my preference this evening. Enjoy your meal.”


End of story.


Your turn to take action: Do you have a story to share of someone who had their nose in your plate? Share below.



Stress Less this Holiday Season

DFRM_StressLessEatLess_PrintHeaderWith the upcoming holidays it’s easy to get lost in the chaos. Don’t let yourself feel out of control this year. Start your holiday season off on the right foot! Make this the year that you conquer your dieting habits and turn to intuitive and mindful eating for a body you love.

Here are a few suggestions that work for me during the busy holiday season. I hope you find them helpful too.

  • Set yourself up for success

As I’ve mentioned many times before and I will probably suggest many times again, set yourself up for success. Do a clean sweep of your kitchen before you begin your cooking. I don’t mean sweep the floor, I mean tuck away all tempting foods – out of sight, out of mind. Take those holiday cookies and sweets and put them in the pantry or kitchen cabinet so they won’t be staring at you while you cook.

  • Be sure to eat breakfast each day

Skipping breakfast or lunch before your holiday meal will cause you to be exceptionally hungry when it’s time for the main meal. You might think you’re doing yourself a favor but you will likely eat more than your stomach can handle and you won’t feel good afterwards. Or you might fill up on appetizers and feel full before the meal even begins. Understand that maintaining a state of satisfaction is a huge part of eating right.

  • Pace Yourself

During the meal, pacing yourself is key. Put your fork down and spend time talking to relatives in between bites. As you space out your meal you allow your brain to register the food that is entering your stomach. Your body will be able to signal when you are satisfied and have eaten enough.

  • Anticipate the stress

The holidays are a balancing act. Prepare yourself for stressful situations and learn how to best manage a stressful event so that you do not turn to food to ease the stress. If you know you are going to see family members or friends who drain you physically and emotionally, take the time to mentally prepare yourself in advance. Think of strategies to handle situations and come up with solutions to destress. This can be finding a comforting place to take a break, whether it be your car or an empty room.


The stress that comes from the cooking, the cleaning, the planning and of course the eating can all be balanced with the right strategies and support.


In honor of the holidays, I have ONE TIME opportunity that I’d like to extend to you.


I will personally coach you through the holidays in my Stress Less EAT LESS™ Program. Learn the 3 key steps to best manage the stress and overwhelm to STOP STRESS EATING once and for all.


Stress Less EAT LESS™ is a 4 week program that includes live group coaching calls, a private Facebook group, My Holiday Menu Planner and Recipe Guide and so much more.

Save $100 by getting all the details and signing up HERE.


We start November 30th so don’t wait.


Have questions, email me at







Simple Solutions to Stop Stress Eating in its Tracks!

DFRM_StressLessEatLess_Holiday_300x300Thanksgiving is only one week away. Yikes!


Cleaning, shopping, cooking, preparing the house….there is so much to do!


Does all the stress and overwhelm of the holidays cause you to go into a tailspin? How will you accomplish all that you need to do? And, of course, you still need to go to work, tend to your usual house chores, take care of the kids etc.


What happens when you get stressed and overwhelmed?


For many, they cope by turning to food to “ease the stress”. Ahh, that piece of chocolate melting in your mouth is melting away all the stress too. That is, until you try on your favorite holiday pants and they don’t button.


Sound familiar?


Listen, I know you want to overcome stress eating. The holidays that are upon us are just one time when you might find yourself coping with food. But what about all year round? Is life hectic with little time for yourself?


Deep down in your heart and soul, you wish there was a way for you to learn how to manage the stress and overwhelm without eating. Actually, you wish you could better handle all that life throws your way so you aren’t overwhelmed.


There is a way!





I am excited to bring to you a brand new program called Stress Less EAT LESS™.

Read all the way to the end to learn about the Holiday Special I am offering you.


In this program you will discover:

  • How to develop a calm mindset by better managing your time and priorities so you can be more mindful in how you handle kid stress, job stress, life’s stresses.
  • What changes you need to make in your daily health and nutrition habits so you feel physically and mentally ready to deal with a stressful situation without caving to the ice cream and cake.
  • The two most important steps that you need to take when you are in the midst of overwhelm and it seems easier to turn to food to numb.
  • The ONE practice you MUST learn to stop stress eating in its tracks and turn you away from the cookie jar and drive-through.


I originally created this program as a “Do it Yourself” program. But I realize that you could probably use some extra support during the holidays, so for this time only, I am offering this program with LIVE group calls a private Facebook group and more!


Click here for all the details and to sign up.


There are lots of bonuses for you once you sign up. The sooner you sign up, the more bonuses you get.


Oh, and share it with your friends and loved ones who could use Simple Strategies to Stop Stress Eating in its Tracks.


Here’s to a STRESS FREE Holiday!




How to Love Your Body Even if You Are Not “Skinny”

Giveaway squareThere is so much emphasis on being “skinny” or “thin” in today’s society. You are often judged based on your appearance and your body, not based on your inner qualities and abilities.


Don’t tell me it isn’t so. There are countless stories that can be told of 2 women who go for a job interview, one overweight, maybe even obese, the other thin and model-like. Who gets the job? More often than not, the thin woman.


The above scenario is what keeps you dieting, over and over again, berating yourself every time you “go off the diet” and bashing your body with comments such as “I hate my body, I hate my thighs, I’ll never have the body I want”.


Let’s take a different approach.


Let’s start to learn to love yourself and love your body RIGHT NOW as it is. Yes, I mean right now at whatever body size you are at. Appreciate all that your body has done for you, and continues to do for you. By giving and showing respect to your body and accepting it, you will let go of the body hatred and body bashing and allow yourself to move away from yo-yo dieting and move forward on your intuitive eating journey.


To help you do this, I have gathered together 20 fabulous experts who are who are giving away, for free, high-quality gifts on the topics of:

  • Self-Love
  • Body Love
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Meditation
  • Abundance
  • Mindfulness
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • and many more!


The event is called Love Yourself, Love Your Body!


I am committed to helping women around the globe learn to love themselves and their bodies as they are RIGHT NOW in order to move away from the cycle of yo-yo dieting.  So, that means you will not find any fad diets, crazy exercise regimens, detox programs, etc….in this giveaway.  What you will find are gifts designed to help you get in touch with yourself, learn to love yourself, accept yourself and trust your inner guidance system when it comes to taking care of yourself and your body.


Click here and grab your free gifts before the event ends on November 23rd.





Beta GluCAN’Ts- A Supplement Scam that Won’t Enhance Weight Loss

supplements (2)

Today I want to share with you a blog that is a little different from the ones I have posted in the past. My daughter, Jennifer, is taking her first nutrition course in college and one of her assignments was to write a paper about diet scams. Here it is below. I added some of my own thoughts towards the end.


By Jennifer Giller

There are many supplements on the market that claim to help you lose an absurd amount of weight in an unrealistic amount of time. Often times, these supplements contain ingredients that are not even associated with weight loss.


A specific weight loss supplement I recently saw advertised (name withheld), claims to serve as an alternative to Gastric Bypass surgery. The company claims to have a 90% success rate in substantial weight loss. However, these are baseless claims.


The main ingredient in this product are beta glucans. Beta glucans are a soluble fiber. When ingested, these fibers absorb water and naturally expand. This limits the amount of food that you are able to take in, causing you to feel full throughout the day.


There has been research conducted to study the effects of beta glucans on body weight and health. One such randomized study looked at the addition of beta glucan supplements to a low calorie diet in 66 overweight women over the course of 3 months. The women were placed into 1 of 3 calorie reduced diet groups.  The first group was a control group, the second group received 5-6 grams of beta glucan, and the third group received 8-9 grams of beta glucan supplementations. Height and weight, blood glucose levels, insulin, triglycerides, and leptin measurements were taken at the beginning of the study as well as at the 3 month mark. Other markers of appetite regulation, such as cholecystokinin and ghrelin, were also measured.


At the 3 month mark, all 3 study groups lost weight. All groups also had a lower waist circumference and reductions in some metabolic variables. However, there was no significant difference in weight loss among the groups. Research concluded that the beta glucan supplement did not add to the effectiveness of the low calorie diets in these overweight women.


Other research however, puts a positive spin on this product. Multiple studies have showed that beta glucans may be beneficial towards lowering blood sugars and cholesterol.  The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) has already approved a health claim that beta glucans can lower cholesterol and the risks of heart disease as well as lower the risk of getting diabetes along with diabetes associated complications.


Personally, I view beta glucan supplementation marketed as a weight loss solution as a scam. The evidence shows that beta glucans do not have any effect on enhancing weight loss. It is instead putting a ‘band-aid’ on a bigger problem. If you believe that simply supplementing with beta glucans will help you lose weight, you will never learn how to eat or how to maintain your weight without supplements. On the other hand, if you find yourself at risk for heart disease or diabetes, I would suggest you include more food sources of beta glucans in your meals such as oats and legumes.


I hope you found this article as interesting as I did. Thank you Jennifer for your contribution to the blog this week, I am so proud of you.




How to Stay Mindful this Halloween

Halloween Pumpkins 2The month of October is synonymous with Halloween and spooky fall festivities. But along with trick-or-treating comes massive amounts of sugar. Whether you’re out and about tricking or home dishing out the treats, these tips will help you stay an intuitive eater amidst all of the chaos.

Eat Before You Treat

Just before the trick or treating traffic is about to commence, have a late lunch or early dinner. A full stomach will prevent you from overindulging on candy to the point of sickness. If you are a chaperone for kids who are going trick or treating, it’s a good idea to have a little holiday meal before heading off on your trick-or-treating journey. Eating too much sugar will cause you and your kids to crash and become cranky before the festivities are over. Don’t unleash the monsters!

Fun Size It

Portion control is key. Cravings are natural and shouldn’t be ignored. If you are craving a chocolate bar, choose the fun sized option. Fun sized candies have a fraction of the fat and calories per package. The object is to savor each bite. The more you focus on the taste and texture of the candy, the more you’ll be happy with a smaller portion. Satisfy your sweet tooth with a fun size bar without missing out on the fun.

The Dark Side

Dark chocolate might be an acquired taste but it is certainly the way to go. Dark chocolate contains 70% or more of cocoa. Cocoa is an interesting ingredient because it has been shown to contain antioxidants and cholesterol lowering properties. The fat in cocoa is comprised of monounsaturated fatty acids as well as stearic acid which appears to have no effect on cholesterol levels. So if you need a little chocolate pick-me-up, dark chocolate is the way to go.

Healthy Homemade

Making homemade treats is a great alternative to buying prepackaged candies. If you have the time, make fun treats at home so you know what you’re eating. They can be fun and healthy for everyone. Instead of candied apples, dip your apples in peanut butter and dark chocolate for a dark twist. Make some Petrifying Popcorn- air popped, drizzled in honey and sprinkled with cayenne pepper and salt for a kick. Or go ahead and decorate your fruit for an easy alternative! Tangerines can be turned into little jack o’lanterns or put mint chocolate chips on a banana to make boo-nanas. Let your creativity run wild.

Be an Intuitive Eater

Don’t call diet police. Celebrate the holiday by letting yourself have a little bit of candy here and there. Listen to your body- if you need that sweet vice, eat it. But if you’re past the point of fullness, that extra candy isn’t going to make you feel any better. Using your brain and stomach instead of your eyes will help guide you through this holiday season without a problem.

Halloween is the perfect opportunity to go out and get a good walk. Walking around the neighborhood even for just half an hour will boost your immune system and decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease. Not to mention, it feels good to get some fresh air. Have some fun this end of the month by being the best intuitive eater you can be.

Your Turn to Take Action: What creative homemade treats will you make for your little monsters?