4 Steps to Eating Intuitively on Vacation

Chronic dieters are familiar with the all-or-nothing mindset. Either they are following all the guidelines laid out by the diet perfectly, or they don’t. When it comes to vacations, dieters who promise themselves they won’t eat anything they “shouldn’t” miss out on all the delectable foods that this new destination has to offer. Or, more commonly, they adopt the “nothing” mindset and just eat mindlessly thinking, “I will resume my diet when I get home.”


I have heard many of my clients vent their frustration that they know they will inevitably gain weight on vacation because they will be eating differently. Often, I hear the terms “good food” and “bad food” thrown around. Clients eat too much of the “bad food” and feel guilty for days when they return home, or even while on vacation.


With all that money spent on vacation, it should be enjoyed without guilt. That is one of the reasons I encourage chronic dieters to begin to reject the diet mentality and embrace intuitive eating. When you listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues and needs, you can nourish your body anywhere without guilt. Your dieting habits are inevitably going to change in a new place; however, your mindset doesn’t need to.


Trust your body and enjoy yourself while you are away. Vacation should not be stressful. That is why I have come up with a few ideas that you can keep in mind while you’re away.


Here are the 4 Steps to Eating Intuitively While on Vacation:


  1. Tune in to your body


If you are looking through the menu at a local restaurant and something catches your eye, go for it! Or perhaps you want to end your meal with dessert. If you are truly listening to your body, you won’t overindulge, and you’ll be able to stop eating or drinking when you want to. Some of these cuisines you may not have the opportunity to try again.


  1. Trust your body.


Trusting your body and the intuitive eating process will help you enjoy your vacation even more. You will most likely eat more than you used to because you’re trying new foods, but you need to trust that your body will respond intuitively and tell you when you’ve had enough. Don’t forget to put your fork down between bites so you can stay attuned to your body’s needs.


  1. Make time for breakfast and lunch.


Vacations often mean sleeping late, missing breakfast, and an overall erratic eating schedule. You may be the type of person who has a full schedule even while on vacation. If that is the case, your body needs fuel to keep it going. Make it a priority to start your day off with breakfast and pack a lunch to take with you, or plan a lunch stop in your itinerary. It’s easy to get caught up in all the activities, but if you skip a meal, you’re more likely to eat past satiety at dinner.


  1. Pack your favorite snacks for a busy day.


It can be easy to forget to pack snacks when you’re busy with activities, but it’s important. Your body will need to use the food as energy to do all the activities you have planned. Take the few extra minutes before you leave to pack a goodie bag of snacks. Be sure to include at least 2 food groups for your snacks. Your body will thank you when you’re not starving heading into lunch or dinner.


Your vacation is a time for relaxation and happy times and should not coincide with “giving up” your intuitive eating practice. Be mindful and always listen to your body and your vacation will become even more enjoyable.

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