5 Ways to Avoid Dieting Before the Summer

Can you believe it’s already June? Summer is officially just around the corner. The weather is heating up, and light jackets are gradually being put away.


Summer is a favorite season for many, but for some women I know, the warmer weather brings mixed emotions. Their inner voices are screaming both “yay, I love this weather”, and “oh no, I can’t cover up in a coat any longer”. This means that they need to feel comfortable in the clothes they are wearing. Yet, that brings up another issue…


…their summer clothes aren’t fitting as they hoped they would. And vacations are coming, family reunions will be happening, and weddings are scheduled. This is causing them to feel like they must go on a diet to lose weight or else …


“I’ll have the worst summer!”

“Everyone at the reunion/wedding will stare at me and think how fat I got!”

“I won’t be able to go on the amusement park rides!”


Can you relate to these thoughts and feelings?


These feelings are made worse by the “bikini body influence” that surrounds you daily. From magazine covers to radio advertisements, to T.V. commercials, you are being bombarded by tips and tricks to get in your best bikini body shape by summer.


What happens when you fall prey to all this bikini body marketing?


You start to bash your own body, you engage in body loathing every time you look into the mirror, and you start comparing your body to everyone else’s (and it never measures up, right?).


All this body hatred fuels the vicious cycle of dieting.


5 Power Thoughts to Chase Diet Thoughts Away


  1. Reality Check

Diets never worked for you, and never will. Let’s say you decide to diet for a few weeks before summer so you can fit into your summer clothes. Summer comes, and you’re now wearing those cute shorts, but you are also hanging with your friends, going to outdoor concerts, and eating out in restaurants, and lo and behold, you are overeating. You stopped listening to your body’s hunger and satiety cues and became out of touch with your body.


  1. Dress for the Present

If you pull your summer clothes out of the closet and you don’t feel comfortable in them, go shopping. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, just buy a few pieces that you can mix and match. Wearing comfortable clothes that aren’t pinching you and squeezing you will make all the difference on whether you spend your day bashing or respecting your body.


  1. Thank Your Body

Your body is an amazing machine. Have you stopped recently to consider all the miracles it performs for you on a daily basis? From breathing, keeping your heart pumping, to being able to see the beautiful spring flowers, there is so much to be thankful for. All too often you get wrapped up in body negativity because it doesn’t “look” the way you want it to look, which is influenced by diet culture and the thin ideal society has you chasing after. Instead, start each morning with saying “thank you” to your body for working hard for you another day.


  1. Recommit to a Diet-Free Life and Enjoy Each Moment

Using self-compassion, realize it’s okay to think at times “I want to lose weight”. But be curious about what triggered this thought and use self-compassion to recommit to your diet-free life and your intuitive eating journey. Then practice living in each moment and challenge yourself to stay present without judgement.


  1. You are not alone!


You don’t need to walk this journey alone, nor should you. We all need support along the way. If you are ready to take the next steps towards peace with food, come join my free FaceBook group.

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