4 Steps Towards a Diet-Free Life

Sometimes there are barriers to achieving the things we really want in life. If we let those barriers hold us back, then we will rarely achieve our goals. It’s important to do what is within our power to make what we want to happen.


Right now, the number one barrier to you creating a healthy relationship with food and your body is the slew of dieting ads and commercials that promise you the weight loss you so desire.


You may not see it this way. Perhaps you are reading these ads and thinking “this will be the diet that works for me.” And just like that, you hold yourself back from finally finding freedom from the battle with food and your body that you’ve been living with for years.


I promise you that dieting is not going to bring you any peace in your life. All that dieting will do is keep you on the roller coaster of restriction – binge eating – guilt – shame.


If dieting was the answer, it would have “worked” a long time ago.


So, how do you bust through this temptation to do “just one more diet”?


First and foremost, I want you to know that I understand the temptation to try that one last diet. I’ve been there before, so I do get it.


Here are 4 Steps Towards a Diet-Free Life:


  1. Take A Break


Take a few minutes tonight and sit with yourself quietly. Be sure that you are relaxed, not hungry, and tell your family that you don’t want to be interrupted for at least 30 minutes. You’ll need to have a pad and pen handy.


  1. Ask the Important Questions


Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What has been the emotional cost of all my years of dieting? (examples – depression, anxiety, poor body image etc.)


  • What has been the relationship cost of all my years of dieting? (examples – lost friendships, broken relationships, social anxiety etc.)


  • What has been the health cost of all my years of dieting? (Example – blood sugar swings, elevated blood pressure, hair falling out, menstrual irregularities, GI trouble etc.)


After each question, open your eyes and begin writing. Don’t edit your words, just write.


  1. Reflect on Your Answers


Read your responses to each question OUT LOUD (this part is crucial), and now ask yourself this last MOST IMPORTANT question:


If I don’t break this chronic dieting pattern, how will that affect my future and that of my daughters and sons who are watching me and learning from me?


  1. Make the Commitment!


Declare “I am committed to never dieting again!” This statement may seem simple to say, but it carries a lot of weight. Just saying it out loud can help change your brain chemistry to move past dieting!


You don’t need to walk this journey alone, nor should you. We all need support along the way. If you are ready to take the next steps towards peace with food, come join my FaceBook group.

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