Tag Archive for: weight loss

Are You a Yo-Yo Dieter? Find out now!

It’s the same story with every diet you start: “this time it’s going to work, this time I’m going to be stronger, this time I’m going to stay committed”.  However, the unfortunate truth of dieting is that it will never help you achieve your long term weight loss goals.  In fact, statistics show that 46% of people who make a weight loss resolution never make it past 6 months.  So, if dieting doesn’t work you may be wondering how you will ever reach your weight loss goals.  The key for weight loss success is not to follow a diet, but rather to understand what is really sabotaging your weight loss.
Here are two questions you need to answer to get started:


Question #1: Am I a Yo-Yo Dieter?

Yo-yo dieting is a term you are likely familiar with.  It is a process that results in what is commonly known as weight cycling and it involves going on and off diets and constantly losing and regaining weight along the way.  You may be thinking that yo-yo dieting is the perfect description of your life.  The cycle of yo-yo dieting is crippling mentally, emotionally and physically.  Not only does it lead to an emotional rollercoaster of successes and failures, but weight cycling has also been shown to impose adverse health effects.  Does this sound like you?  If it does, move on to question #2.


Question #2: Have I Hit Diet Bottom?

Hitting diet bottom happens when you simply do not have it in you to go on another diet.   You have hit diet bottom when you’ve been dieting your whole life and you no longer have the energy or inner strength to worry about the number on the scale, count any more calories or deprive yourself of foods that you love.  The negative emotions and feelings of guilt that come along with overeating are tormenting you and something that you cannot endure any longer.  Hitting diet bottom is the first step you need to catapult you into a diet-free life.

If you have succumbed to the yo-yo cycle of dieting for many years and still haven’t reached your weight loss goals, consider if you are at the point where you have hit diet bottom.  Figuring out for yourself if you are at this point takes self-reflection into your personal diet patterns and being honest with yourself as to how dieting has affected you throughout your life.  Then, and only then, can you move to the next step of discovering the biggest mistakes you’ve made at dieting.


To help you on this discovery journey, please accept my Hitting Diet Bottom Blueprint as my gift to you. Find out if you have hit diet bottom, and learn what you can do to end the yo-yo dieting cycle.

5 Tips to Help You Eat Less

If you’ve been working on losing weight by following diet plans, you are probably eating a certain amount of food that the diet tells you to eat. But the truth is, there are other strategies that you can use to help you eat less.


Learn about those strategies on this week’s episode of The Diet Free Zone Show™.


Just click the image below.

5 Tips to eat less







After you watch the show, please leave your comments below and let me know which tip works best for you.

After the Party Detox Diets and Cleanses

Fruit-Measuring tape on scale plateIt’s 7 days into the New Year and I’ve already received several emails from people asking me for a detox diet, cleansing system or quick fix method to jumpstart their weight loss for 2015.


If you’ve been following me for a while and are in tuned with my philosophy, I don’t advocate any of these quick fix methods. Many times these detox diets, cleansing programs and quick fixes are more harmful than good.


Let’s not start the New Year off on that foot. Instead, let’s figure out what you really need and want and how to get there.


Ask yourself the following questions:


1)    How do I currently feel in my body?

2)    How would I like to feel?

3)    What do I think is causing me to feel this way?


You may answer these questions by describing your current feeling as sluggish, tired, bloated and/or heavy. And you would prefer to feel energetic, light on your feet, lively and strong.


Now take a look at your answer to question number 3. If you are being truthful to yourself, you will take a closer look at your eating habits and how they relate to the answers in question number 1. For example, maybe you overate on holiday cookies, drank a few too many alcoholic beverages when ringing in the New Year, and still have leftovers staring you down in the refrigerator. These are likely some of the reasons you feel sluggish, tired, bloated and heavy.


So, let me ask you a question. Will starting a detox diet or a 7 day cleanse help you get to the root cause of the problem? Or, will it just put a Band-Aid on it?


I’ll give you the answer. It will just put a Band-Aid on a problem that’s been slowly smoldering and finally tipped over during the holiday season.


Instead of a quick fix method, here are some solutions for you to try.


1)    Set up your environment for success. Deal with holiday leftovers immediately. Give them to a neighbor, freeze them or throw them out. You don’t need them sitting out tempting you.


2)    Take the time to plan and prepare meals so you don’t have to stop at the drive-thru on the way home from work for a quick dinner.


3)    Lay off the alcoholic beverages for a while. They are empty calories, meaning they provide zero nutrients to your body.


4)    Increase your intake of fruits and veggies. Try to include veggies at each meal, and at least 3 fruits throughout your day. And don’t forget about whole grains. They are important and will keep your digestive tract running smoothly.


5)    Commit to a diet-free lifestyle in the New Year.



There are many more tips I can give you, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. Progress happens when you take small steps one at a time. Let’s start with these 5 steps above.


Do you need help setting up a diet-free lifestyle? No problem. Just click here and request to speak with me (my treat). Don’t waste any more of your precious time with detoxes and cleanses that ultimately are not your long-term answer.



Say NO to Diets in 2015

We are in the midst of the holiday season and I hope you are enjoying your time with family and friends in a mindful way. The music, decorations, lights, foods…what a wonderful time of year. My daughter told me the other day how she loves that the T.V. shows she likes to watch have a holiday theme…it makes her feel all cuddly and warm.


But as you celebrate the holidays, are you wondering about your next steps in 2015 in terms of your health and weight loss goals?


I’m sure you are being bombarded with diet commercials and advertisements on television, radio, magazines, newspapers and the internet. You may even be contemplating which diet to start on January 1st.


Let me make it easy for you.


Say NO to Diets in 2015!!


I feel like screaming this from the rooftops. I want to save the you time, energy and PAIN of starting another diet to just find yourself falling off that diet when you have a trigger and you can’t “follow” what the diet tells you to.


You know what I mean. I won’t belabor the point.


So, here is what I am going to do for you. I want to support  you on the path towards reclaiming what lies deep within you, and that is being an intuitive eater.  To that end, I am offering you a Free Say NO to Diets in 2015 Discovery Session.


In this Say NO to Diets in 2015 Discovery Session, I’ll help you:

  • Uncover the hidden challenges that are preventing you from achieving your weight loss goals.


  • Create a crystal clear vision of the life you will live once you make peace with food and enjoy guilt-free eating.


  • Set a plan for 2015 to start you on your journey towards intuitive eating.


All you have to do is Apply for one of these sessions by clicking HERE.


There are only 10 spots available, so hurry and apply now.


Deadline to apply is December 19, 2014.


Say NO to Diets in 2015 Discovery Session


Take advantage of this special opportunity to get my caring support on your journey!


Remember, there are only 10 spots open and you must apply by December 19th to be considered. I really want to help you so CLICK HERE and let’s get started!


I’ll let you know by December 22nd if you got a spot. Sessions will be scheduled for January so you’ll start 2015 off strong!


Click HERE now.

“Lose 30 Pounds in a Month”

Lose 30 pounds in a mthI was flipping through the newspaper on Saturday and came across an ad with a big headline that read: “Lose 10-20-30 Pounds in A Month”.


“Oh no” I thought to myself. Here we go again. The New Year is approaching and we are being bombarded with all the diet advertisements, commercials and self-titled “Health Gurus” pushing their diet program, pills, or books to help you lose weight in 2015.


I know it’s tempting to believe these headlines:


“Eat this, never diet again”

“Burn fat quicker without diet or exercise”

“Lose 30 pounds in a month”

“Experience spontaneous weight loss”


Wouldn’t it be nice to finally say NO to another diet?


If these diets were the answer you’ve been looking for, then why are you still looking?


It’s because diets don’t work. Period, end of story.


I just got off the phone with a woman. She’s been struggling with her weight for 10 years, on and off multiple diets, more recently counting calories and tracking every single food she is eating. She is restricting herself, not enjoying her food, and if she does eat something that she deems “bad”, she is wracked with guilt for days to come.


I offered her another solution. Give up diets, give up calorie counting and food tracking. Learn to trust your body once again through the process of shifting your mindset and becoming an intuitive eater. Achieve the freedom to eat without food worry and live your life without body worry.


You have to understand that this is a transformation that takes time. You are undoing years of damage that dieting has caused you; damage to your self-esteem, to your confidence and to your body. It doesn’t happen overnight.  This means you have to invest in yourself in order to achieve what you truly desire. When you invest, you commit to the transformation and nothing will stop you from getting there.


Are you ready to transform in 2015? If you are, request a complementary session here and we will set you on the path to freedom to eat forever.




5 Ways to Handle Food Pushers

Hand Stops CakeYou’ve probably experienced what I am about to talk about.


There you are at a friend’s home for dinner. It’s dessert time and she brings out a homemade apple pie. You left room for dessert, but you truly don’t feel like having apple pie. You much prefer to have the fresh berries with a dollop of whipped topping.


Your friend says “here, have a piece of apple pie”. And, you say, “no, thank you”. And she says “oh come on. I baked it just for you. One bite won’t kill you”. You say, “okay, I’ll have a small slice”.


Later that night, you are upset with yourself. Why did you give in and have that apple pie. You didn’t even enjoy it. You really wanted the fresh berries.


We call these people food pushers or pressure feeders. Why do they do what they do? And, what is the best way to deal with them?


I answer these questions in this week’s episode of The Diet Free Zone Show™.


Just click the image below to watch now.

Food Pushers







After watching the video, please share your food pusher experiences with me in the comment below.


Will I Lose Weight with Intuitive Eating?

I get this question a lot. People are interested in a way to break free from dieting. They no longer want the food restrictions and the feelings of deprivation. The calorie counting and calorie tracking with the many apps out on the market that are not always accurate.


Intuitive eating is a new concept for most dieters. When I explain the process towards becoming an intuitive eater, the chronic dieter LOVES it.


But there is one question that stays in their mind. Will I lose weight?


That’s a great question. Watch today’s episode of The Diet Free Zone Show™ for the answer to this question.


Click the image below to watch.

Will I Lose Wt







After watching this week’s show, please leave your comments or questions below.


“Good” Foods and “Bad” Foods

Do you have a list of foods that you consider as “good” or “bad” to eat? How do you feel if you eat a food on your “good” list? What about on your “bad” list?


One of the first things I help my clients do is to get rid of the food lists. Foods should not be categorized into good and bad.


Why not?


Watch this week’s episode of The Diet Free Zone Show™ to learn more.


Then come back and comment: How you will discard your list of “good” and “bad” foods?


Click the image below to watch now.

Good Food Bad Food





Remember, come back here to comment!


The Fear of Letting Go of Dieting

As you embark on your intuitive eating journey, it’s most important to move away from dieting. Yet, the idea of not dieting might be scary for you, right?


I talk about this very topic in this week’s The Diet Free Zone Show™ on YouTube.


Click the image below to watch now.


The Fear of Letting Go Image






Leave a comment below on what is YOUR biggest fear about giving up dieting.


Introducing The Diet-Free Zone Show™

I’ve been writing about intuitive eating for some time now. So I thought I’d try something new to help get my message out to more people.


I’ve decided to create my very own show on YouTube.


Yep, I did.


So, yesterday my assistant and I buckled down and taped 6 episodes of my new show called…DRUM ROLL PLEASE….





The show will air every Wednesday on what I have dubbed “Intuitive Eating Wednesdays”.


What will I talk about on the show?


Everything related to intuitive eating and mindful eating.


Click on the intro video above to learn more!


Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel while you’re there. Just click the RED Subscribe button on my channel and you will be notified when a new show airs.


If you have questions you’d like me to answer on a future show, just comment below and I’ll be sure to answer in an upcoming episode.