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Gotta Love Your January as an Intuitive Eater

Healthy HabitsThis time of the year can seem like the hardest time for an intuitive eater.  You can’t go anywhere without being bombarded with headlines like, “Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!” or “The Hottest Diet Secret Nobody Ever Told You About!”


It can be easy to start your year off getting swept up in these empty promises, and by February find yourself feeling lost on another diet road.


By being an intuitive eater, you know your journey leads you down a better road: a journey that doesn’t end when “failure” sets in mid-February.  January is truly the beginning of a brand new year, with many exciting discoveries ahead of you.  Unlike those with a diet mentality, you know better than to waste your money, time and energy on buying into new fads, expensive gym memberships, and those quick fix “magic bullets” that have failed you in the past.


Your personal January headlines read something more like this, “I Continue to Make All Foods Fit by Honoring My Hunger and Respecting My Fullness”.  Or, “I’m On My Way to Loving and Respecting My Body!”  These headlines are much more encouraging and much more fun.  For you January is a continuation of all the positives you have been building on since last year.


There is usually so much stress involved in choosing which diet will accompany you into the New Year.  But since you are creating an intuitive lifestyle, you get to build off success, rather than focus on flaws which diets often lead you into doing.  By being an intuitive eater you get to truly enjoy the start of a new year, by knowing that it is a continuation off of everything you have been achieving.  Make a choice to love what you have done and know you can keep working towards the body you love without dieting!


Your turn to take action: Please share with me how this New Year feels different, starting it as an intuitive eater versus a dieter!