Blame the Diet Industry NOT Yourself

Did you know that Americans spend more than $60 billion dollars annually to try and lose weight?


Let that sink in for a moment.


That number includes weight loss programs and money spent on diet foods and beverages.


That’s a lot of money to spend blaming yourself when the “product” you are buying doesn’t work. Right, that’s what you do? You blame yourself when you can’t follow the diet or you don’t lose weight despite following the diet.


The Source of the Blame


Think about it.


If you purchased a new iPad, and it didn’t work, you’d complain to Apple about the device being defective.


If you bought a wall clock at Target and it stopped working, you’d return it telling them it was a cheap clock.


If you were working on a home improvement project and the drill stopped working, you’d blame the manufacturer for a faulty drill.


But when it comes to the diets you’ve tried, and the weight you regained (plus some) you don’t blame the diet company, you blame yourself.


What’s Wrong with Me?


Once off your diet, you start to say to yourself “I didn’t follow the rules correctly”, “There’s something wrong with me, I need to try harder” or “I’ll never get this right.”


I’m not going to name diets, it doesn’t matter which ones. The diet industry is brilliant, really, they are. They have set themselves up to be the winner over and over again. They’ve created this cycle of dieting that has led you to keep coming back.


Play it Out


Here’s what happens.


Desire/Action:  You want to lose weight, you go on XYZ diet.

Feeling: Excited

Result: You lose weight and meet your goal.

Feeling: Yay, celebration!


6 months later, you’ve regained the weight, plus more. 


Feeling: Disappointment

Result: You spend a few weeks or months feeling sad, ashamed and berating yourself.


Desire/Action: You want to lose weight. You go back on XYZ diet.

Feeling: Excited

Result: You lose weight and meet your goal.

Feeling: Yay, celebration!


3 months later, you’ve regained the weight, plus more.


Feeling: Disappointment

Result: You spend a few weeks or months feeling sad, ashamed and berating yourself.


Desire/Action: You want to lose weight. You go back on XYZ diet.

Feeling: Excited




How many times do you think you have repeated the above sequence of events?


If you are being true to yourself, then most likely you have tried a particular diet more than once.


Why is that?


Because the diet industry has set it up that they are the winner when you lose the weight.


And, they are there to pick you up when you fall and gain the weight back.


I want you to listen up, because this is not normal! Stop blaming yourself, you are NOT TO BLAME.


The diet industry is the ONLY industry where the product user blames themselves. Shame on you diet industry for making so many people feel so badly about themselves.


If you are reading this, please know that you are not alone in trying to break free of the diets and the manipulations. You have it within yourself to trust your body to make the decisions around what to eat and when to eat! Speak back to the diets you’ve been on. No, actually, YELL at them. Show them that you are on to them and their deceit. You don’t need them anymore.


Once you’ve made the decision to fight back against the diet industry, you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders and you will be empowered to take the next step towards reclaiming your birthright – body trust and being an intuitive eater.


If you’re looking for help breaking away from the dieting industry, head over to TalkWithBonnie and let’s set up a time to talk! I’m here to help you.


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